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Through our survey and gathering of pictures/videos of students’ daily routines , we were able to see a particular pattern. Although we surveyed students of different ages and programs, the  majority of routines were predictable and all very similar. 


We believe that although routines have both their  advantages and disadvantages, we should all take the time to take a break and have a look back on our daily tasks, activities and habits. 


Why do we do what we do?

Why do have a specific order?

Who implemented routines?


There is no specific answer to any of these,  however we can notice through our routines that we are becoming more distant and more insensitive to life in a way. Our overwhelming routines have become mechanical, programmed and conditioned.


“We’ve become the machines.We’re losing our feeling, becoming numb and docile to the tragedies that we face in our every day lives.” (J.Ivy, Here I Am: Then & Now)

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